Online advertise Furniture, Furnishing & home decor product with us

DesignWud invites artist, furniture and furnishing suppliers to showcase and Online advertise Furniture, Furnishing & home decor product with us. We would like to exhibit selected handpicked Interiors and Home decor products on our website. We want to showcase limited handpicked product related like Furniture and furnishing items, Handcrafts, Artefacts, Wallpapers, Paintings and wall decor items on our website and social media platforms. This way, we can help you to spread awareness about your products by posting them through our social media platforms.

At the time, we will do it through holistic way. We will not be involved in any kind of direct selling or commercial interest. Vendors, artisan and suppliers can attach their information with products displayed on our site. So that an interested customers can reach directly to them in the case,  he or she like any particular product.

If you are an Artist, artisan or furniture & furnishing manufacturer and supplier ? We invite you to associate and showcase your products with us. You can also send your product profile with relevant information attach along with. To know more, Get in touch with us at 09717079918 or mail at for further discussion.