Importance of Good Indoor Retail Store Lighting Design

By |2019-08-30T13:07:54+05:30November 18th, 2017|

Have you ever wondered how indoor lighting impacts your store? Lighting plays a crucial role in showcasing your store merchandises.  It is an integral part of overall Store Interior design. Without a properly designed Lighting installation, A retail store loses half of its charm and surely look like as unfinished one. So How can a Good Lighting help you to increase prospective customers footfalls in your store, which ultimately results to revenue increment. Lets see the Importance of Good Indoor Retail Store Lighting Design. 1. It improves overall store image. 2. It Highlights products and helps those to be in desired visibility. 3. Encourages purchases through visual improvement 4. It helps to lure customers inside premises. 5. It allows for an aesthetically good-looking experience Since there is no single store lighting formula that you can follow, as a retail merchant you need to make sure you're putting your lights properly, however with a common understanding of lighting [...]

Elements of Good Retail Design

By |2019-02-09T13:24:14+05:30April 24th, 2017|

Most retail owners understand the importance of good retail design but still failed to implement them but, not everyone is able to comprehend as to what it entails. What are Elements of Good Retail Design? How to create a Good Retail Environment which attracts customers and increase business ? Several factors need to be weighed when designing the retail outlet. We will look at some important aspects in this article. How to create a Good Retail Environment ? The Threshold The threshold area is the first place your customers step into when they enter your retail store. A lot of retail store owners often overlook the importance of this space. Threshold area is the space that creates the first impression of the store on the customer’s mind. It is the first experience of the [...]

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