Five Benefits of Indoor Vertical green Walls

By |2019-08-30T12:52:06+05:30November 12th, 2018|

Most of us living in urban areas dream of having a garden where we could grow veggies and herbs. However, because of the lack of open space in urban areas, this dream remains a dream for majority of us. So how can we still do this? Then why not to consider Indoor Vertical Green walls? here we give you a little brief and Five Benefits of Indoor Vertical green Walls in Home and Office Interiors. Vertical Green Walls: It is an innovative way of bringing nature indoors. These walls occupy minimum space but are as effective as a conventional garden. The walls are designed to improve indoor air quality and absorb about 85% of Indoor pollutants. Green walls are not only increased the quality of Indoor air but they also heat and Indoor noise. [...]

Six reasons to use Indoor plants in Interiors

By |2019-02-09T17:57:39+05:30July 12th, 2016|

As we all living in overcrowded towns we miss out the essence of nature. It is plainly excellent to dwell in nature. We tend to painfully miss the vibes of nature in our displeasing urban sprawls. Greening up your home by doing indoor plantation can be a refreshing way to fix this nature deficit. So Here we give you six reasons to use Indoor plants in Interiors and How to do this ? 1# Lively Interiors Green shoots to your eyes even for small times can reduce mental stress in a big way, so it makes sense to create a garden inside home. The silence, freshness and pure air can be recreated in your living rooms and turn them into a refreshing zone.  From indoor gardens to living walls, lush pockets of verdure [...]

Turn up the Green Thumb: Tips For Urban Backyard Gardening

By |2019-02-09T18:36:47+05:30June 15th, 2016|

Who don't wish to have a lovely small backyard garden to his home. Fortunates are those whose home has scope to have this luxury in these day by day shrinking private spaces.  The lush green kitchen garden attracts the eyes of everybody who enters the place. All you need to do is maintain a good drainage and a sow the ground with seeds. Add color to your home with plants of lovely berries, colorful capsicum, and green vegetables or by raising seasonal fruits and vegetables which are very healthy when eaten fresh. Prepare salads and enjoy the gardening in shady backyards. Image Source: motherearthnews Image source: server1.decornorth Decorate the garden side with cool indoor plants … It is finally a great summer season waiting for the winters to let the flowers bloom in your home and [...]

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