Why should i pay for Interior design, when Retail/ Furniture store offering it free?

Usually people wonder and even ask us- “Why should i pay for Interior design, when Retail/ Furniture store offering it free?”. What is the difference between free vs paid Interior designing services. So from a designer point of view, What are their respective pros and cons and why you should not go for it?

There is nothing like free service-

There is an old saying “If you pay peanuts you get monkeys”. Now a day every retail and furniture store offering free interior designing services to woo customers towards them. Most of them employ a junior inexperienced interior designer to do this task for you.  Who is obviously inclined towards selling of their own inventory, rather than your welfare. They have little inclination or interest to provide good interior solution to you according to your needs and budget.

After sales service-

Most people’s looking for full interior services are often one time customer, so after a deal is done, any retail store has little interest left in them. Additionally, there is no personal relations involved in case of dealing with them. Most of peoples working in stores are just employees, who keep changing their jobs on routine basis like it happens in any other industries. So what is the drawback, if unfortunately any complication arise later, there is minimal chance of getting any assistance.

Unbiased Professional Advice-

There are very low chances of getting an honest advice regarding your queries from designer at Furniture/ retail store. Interior designer at will always be biased towards selling his own products. There are innumerable material options available in market for each category and whatever is designer at one particular store is recommending you based upon his own interest, may not be the best option for you.

In contrast, an independent professional designer usually not involved in any kind of direct selling except providing referrals. So, he is in more probability to give you unbiased recommendation for various products or materials. He will patiently listen to your requirements and suggest the best things from his own experience. Every professional, if getting paid optimally for his service, want to give one’s best towards his work. Because it contributes also to his professional credentials.

If Designer’s fee worth of it??

A civil or Interior project demand huge expenditure and efforts. There is hardly any scope for rectification once it done. A bad design will not just cause wastage of resource and space, but it will create inconvenience for you for its whole life time. Most of the peoples are unable to understand the fact that a designer’s fee is just a fraction of total project expenditure and an honest experienced designer can save you a lot more by suggesting a right material and optimum design.

We tried to explain Why you should pay for Designer’s efforts. Still you have any confusion or want more clarifications? Please get in touch and discuss with us. For a quick consultation, you can always come to our office with a prior intimation.