How to Get Humidity Out Of your House

Excessive humidity in your house does more than make you feel uncomfortable and sticky. It also has the potential to cause damage to your home and welfare, as too much moisture in the air can lead to rotting wood as well as mold and mildew growth. This does more than eat away at your investment. It also can cause serious health problems for you and your family. This is why you should be just as concerned with managing the humidity level inside your house as you are with maintaining a comfortable temperature. So How to Get Excessive Humidity Out Of your House? Fortunately, this can be accomplished by following some simple steps, one of which is to install a dehumidifier. Whether you opt for a whole-home model or place a standalone unit in your [...]

By |2019-08-31T11:54:53+05:30December 15th, 2018|0 Comments

How to design a Good Functional SPA Interior

This is an open secret that, In the beauty industry looks is the most important aspect. When a client walks into the salon or spa, He or she automatically focus first upon its interiors. A beautiful SPA interior will tend to create a lasting impression. Every aspect of the designing should reflect beauty and style. This is essential to retain the client which is very important for the success of its business. Though good spa interior designers always tend to focus upon complete functionality, well organized spaces and comprehensive interior solutions rather than just caring about aesthetics. So How to design a Good Functional SPA Interior? In this post, lets discuss about functional aspect of SPA Interiors in short. Locker/ change Rooms Before entering to SPA treatment room, one need to change cloths and put their [...]

By |2019-08-30T12:44:55+05:30November 30th, 2018|0 Comments

4 Interior Design Tips to make an awesome SPA Interiors

How to design a Beautiful SPA Interior? SPA is not just a treatment process or space, it’s a lot more than even the sum of two. It is actually an overall ambience comprises of Indoor ambience, therapeutic process and hospitality. Here are 4 Interior design tips to make an Awesome SPA Interiors. SPA Design Tips 1-Create Textures: For Interior point of view, SPA design is about creating creative expression through use of materials and textures. As an example, Use of Wall hangings, pillows, rugs and unique bed coverings to create texture and contrast in spa. One can explore Locally made textiles emphasising a return to folkloric ideals and handmade crafts. Balance a combination of elements, such as reclaimed woods and other recyclables, textured glass, and metals such as copper and bronze. SPA Design Tips [...]

By |2019-02-09T12:15:42+05:30November 21st, 2018|0 Comments

Five Benefits of Indoor Vertical green Walls

Most of us living in urban areas dream of having a garden where we could grow veggies and herbs. However, because of the lack of open space in urban areas, this dream remains a dream for majority of us. So how can we still do this? Then why not to consider Indoor Vertical Green walls? here we give you a little brief and Five Benefits of Indoor Vertical green Walls in Home and Office Interiors. Vertical Green Walls: It is an innovative way of bringing nature indoors. These walls occupy minimum space but are as effective as a conventional garden. The walls are designed to improve indoor air quality and absorb about 85% of Indoor pollutants. Green walls are not only increased the quality of Indoor air but they also heat and Indoor noise. [...]

By |2019-08-30T12:52:06+05:30November 12th, 2018|0 Comments

Reasons to go for Indoor Greens

Terrace Gardening, Indoor Greens and vertical Green walls are the latest trends in Residential, commercial & Institutional projects, one should go for it, in Residential, commercial & Institutional projects. Owing to lack of Green areas in public and outdoor spaces, available spaces in buildings getting attention towards creating indoor greens to compensate for loss of outdoor green spaces. Reasons to go for Terrace Gardening, Indoor Greens and vertical Green walls. To read more about How creating Indoor Greens, vertical green walls and terrace gardening can help you to improve Interiors and why you should go for this, scroll down through this page. Terrace Gardening Exposed roofs are major contributor to Heat gain inside Building premises. Additionally, day by day shrinking spaces on land created needs for effective utilization of usually neglected areas like roofs [...]

By |2019-08-30T12:56:21+05:30October 24th, 2018|0 Comments


Now a days Decorative Partition Walls are being widely used as Room dividers. They are becoming more and more popular day by day to segment a big room into several independent areas. For example, you could make a home office for two people or separate a dining area from living room using them. Partition Panel offers awesome room dividers. Which have been created especially for modern room interiors. Divider between living room and dining room The most common use of Dividers in homes usually happens in Lobby areas specially to divide family lounge into Living and Dining areas. It bifurcates two areas without creating any permanent obstruction and still maintaining single visual identity. Decorative partition panels Decorative Partition Panel is an innovative system of various vertical and horizontal elements. Room dividers are a utilitarian and can [...]

By |2019-08-30T13:00:09+05:30August 30th, 2018|1 Comment

Importance of Good Indoor Retail Store Lighting Design

Have you ever wondered how indoor lighting impacts your store? Lighting plays a crucial role in showcasing your store merchandises.  It is an integral part of overall Store Interior design. Without a properly designed Lighting installation, A retail store loses half of its charm and surely look like as unfinished one. So How can a Good Lighting help you to increase prospective customers footfalls in your store, which ultimately results to revenue increment. Lets see the Importance of Good Indoor Retail Store Lighting Design. 1. It improves overall store image. 2. It Highlights products and helps those to be in desired visibility. 3. Encourages purchases through visual improvement 4. It helps to lure customers inside premises. 5. It allows for an aesthetically good-looking experience Since there is no single store lighting formula that you can follow, as a retail merchant you need to make sure you're putting your lights properly, however with a common understanding of lighting [...]

By |2019-08-30T13:07:54+05:30November 18th, 2017|0 Comments

Simple Kitchen Organization Ideas to Transform the Entire Look of Your Kitchen

From the past few years, a kitchen has become a central part of a house where the whole family gathers, eats and various household chores take place. As it has become so important, it should be designed keeping all factors in mind especially space and storage. Even if you know exactly what your kitchen must look like, building space is quite a feat. How to optimize your Kitchen to maximize its space efficiency? Here are few simple kitchen ideas to transform the entire look of your kitchen. How many cabinets will you need? How much storage options you can install without compromising with current space? What do you need to store in those cabinets and drawers? Whether you are up for remodeling or just reorganizing? All of these questions need to be asked before [...]

By |2019-08-30T13:14:28+05:30November 13th, 2017|0 Comments

10 Ideas that will transform your boring basement into a fun space

If you are blessed to have a basement in your house, do not let this space go waste. Your basement can be much more than a storage space. It can be converted into a family hangout space or an trendy zone for adults. There are a numerous creative makeover possibilities to convert a basement into an interesting space. Ideas to transform your Boring basement into fun zone. Make it functional While giving a makeover to your basement, make sure you make it a functional space. It is the first and foremost requirement. If you have a big basement, there is no need to dedicate this space to just a single function. Decide the purposes of that space and decorate it accordingly. Set up a home theatre The basement is an ideal spot for a [...]

By |2019-02-09T12:45:31+05:30November 4th, 2017|0 Comments

Evoke Your Brand’s Image in Style with Top Retail Interior Designer

Why Interior Designer holds so much importance? When it comes to dressing your retail outlet, you need to ensure that it is a space which people will enjoy. You want people to enjoy their time in your shop so that they will come again and spend money with you. If you don't take the time to decorate your retail outlet appealingly for the customers, then you can expect not to see them again. Your shop needs to be a place where customers will want to come back. Why you should hire Top Retail Interior Designer in Delhi NCR to design Interiors for your Retail outlet, showroom or commercial store? Retail Interior designer in Delhi NCR The designs of retail outlets and stores have evolved over the years just like private residences, increasing the popularity [...]

By |2019-02-09T12:46:15+05:30October 30th, 2017|0 Comments
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